Radio waves type: Wireless, IEEE 802.11 standard, WLAN network

 Charge moyenne sur 1mn : 0.36 Charge moyenne sur 5mn : 0.43 Charge moyenne sur 15mn : 0.44

WiFi or Wireless: wireless communication

Wi-Fi / Wireless / IEEE 802.11 is a wireless communication protocol using radio waves. A WiFi network is used to wirelessly connect several computer devices (computer, router, Internet decoder, etc.) within a computer network in order to allow data transmission between them.

You can connect to it via an Infrastructure network (which connects other networks and computers) or in Ad-Hoc mode (from one computer to another).

Our Internet boxes are equipped with Wifi to allow our smartphones and other wireless devices to access the local network and the Internet.

If you have a subscription to a French provider, you can access the Internet network outside your home through another subscriber of your access provider. You must use a personal code.

There are still free Wi-Fi networks that allow us to access the global Internet network.

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Construire son antenne

Quelques liens pour se construire une antenne Wireless.

Informations :

  • Publish : : Saturdy 08 september 2007
  • Modification : Saturdy 24 august 2013


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Quelques adresses Web pour contruire une antenne wifi :

Antenne Yagi

Antenne Wi-Fi Yagi

Antenne Ricoré

Antenne Wi-Fi Ricoré

Antenne Colinéaire

Antenne Wi-Fi Colinéaire

Antenne BiQuad

Antenne Wi-Fi BiQuad

Antenne Discone

Antenne Wi-Fi Discone

Antenne Omnidirectionnelle

Antenne Wi-Fi Omnidirectionnelle

Quelques liens

Pour ceux qui ne sont pas bricoleur, voici des magasins en ligne ou vous trouverez tout ce qu'ils vous faut pour faire votre reseau wifi:

<< Wifi - Wireless - IEEE 802.11

Raspberry Pi III - Introduction >>

Keywords :

wifi Build your antenna Construye tu antena قم ببناء الهوائي الخاص بك

Author of the page



  • Firstname : The Web
  • Lastname : : Master
  • Arrived on tuesday 09 august 2011 (2011/08/09 00:00)
    13 years activity !

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