Console mode (BASH/SH), graphics mode (XFree86, X.Org, Xgl)

 Charge moyenne sur 1mn : 0.10 Charge moyenne sur 5mn : 0.08 Charge moyenne sur 15mn : 0.02

A human-machine interface allows information to be exchanged between the human user and the machine. To make this communication the easiest to do and perform, we use different elements. Input devices, such as the keyboard, mouse, or scanner allow humans to give information or commands to the machine. Output devices such as the screen, LEDs or the printer allow the machine to respond to commands and display information. The screen will allow you to display simple text as well as a graphical environment. Thanks to this one will be able to display windows, images, animations (in 2 or 3 dimensions), and even videos.

  • XFree86
    Free implementation of the X Window System graphics system. XFree86 works on most Unix-like operating systems and also on Windows using Cygwin.
  • X.Org
    This is a fork of XFree86 created following a disagreement on the change of license of the latter.
  • Xgl
    Free X server overlay of OpenGL via glitz, allowing to use the 3D capabilities of modern graphics cards in a traditional office environment, thus making possible display effects such as transparency, window rotations, shadows, etc. .

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  • EVA - エヴァ - Groupe Facebook
there is soon 4 years, monday 01 february 2021 (2021/02/01 12:48)
Kss has published the channel


of this section.¿Comment? 'Ou' ¿Que faire?, OS GNU/Linux, Environnement IT. ksso0s XGL-BeryL-Dual TV-multimedia
at dawn of the site, wednesday 28 september 2011 (2011/09/28 11:56)
O.Romain.Jaillet-ramey has shared the video


of this section.¿Comment? 'Ou' ¿Que faire?, OS GNU/Linux, Environnement IT. TV-multimedia Un Xorg + Compiz projeté sur ma téloch :)

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  • Firstname : Olivier Romain Luc
  • Lastname : : Jaillet-ramey
  • Arrived on tuesday 19 october 1976 (1976/10/19 00:00)
    47 years activity !

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