Unix, *BSD, Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Suze, RedHat, Mandrake, Mandriva

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GNU / Linux is Freedom.

GNU / Linux is a free, cross-platform operating system the result of the efforts of multiple projects working together over the Internet. GNU / Linux can run most models of existing computers, from supercomputers to embedded systems to embedded systems. servers and personal computers.

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Ubix Linux, le datalab de poche - LinuxFr.org
DockStation – Une interface graphique pour Docker qui facilite la vie des développeurs

Author of the page



  • Firstname : Olivier Romain Luc
  • Lastname : : Jaillet-ramey
  • Arrived on tuesday 19 october 1976 (1976/10/19 00:00)
    48 years activity !

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Firefox Nighlty

Our friends from Framasoft are interested in Mozilla and asked them questions about Nightly: Firefox Night-club, free entry !


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